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Gambar unggulan Surfshark Gambar unggulan Surfshark
Ikon Surfshark
Surfshark is a cybersecurity company that focuses on developing humanized privacy and security solutions. Our products include VPN, antivirus, Alert (a data leak detection system), Search (a private search tool), Incogni (an automated personal data removal system), and much more to come.

Challenging the status quo in cybersecurity drove us to create solutions that secure people's digital lives. This would not have been possible without the people behind Surfshark.

aplikasi teratas

Gambar unggulan Surfshark
Ikon Surfshark
Alat VPN yang tangguh untuk Android
263.7 k unduhan
Ikon Surfshark
Jelajahi Internet secara aman dengan VPN ini
71.7 k unduhan
Ikon Surfshark
3.4 k unduhan