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Gambar unggulan Malwarebytes Gambar unggulan Malwarebytes
Ikon Malwarebytes


Malwarebytes Inc. is a U.S. cybersecurity company founded in 2008 and based in California. It provides protection against malware, ransomware, and cyber threats, with key products like Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and Malwarebytes Endpoint Security. In 2021, it was impacted by the SolarWinds attack, strengthening its security. In 2024, it acquired AzireVPN, expanding its online privacy services.

aplikasi teratas

Gambar unggulan Malwarebytes
Ikon Malwarebytes
Aplikasi antiprogram berbahaya terbaik kini hadir di Android
720.4 k unduhan
Ikon Malwarebytes
Mendeteksi dan menghilangkan virus, spyware, trojan, dll.
2.7 M unduhan
Ikon Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit
Menemukan dan menyingkirkan rootkit di komputer Anda
78.5 k unduhan

Aplikasi lain dari Malwarebytes

Ikon Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit
Mencegah virus masuk ke komputer Anda
Ikon Malwarebytes Secure Backup
Mencadangkan berkas tanpa menyertakan malware
Ikon Malwarebytes
Lindungi Mac Anda dari berbagai serangan